Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Referring the Right Vendors

As bridal professionals we have a close network of vendors that we love to work with. As we get to know our brides, we realize that each one is different and each one is unique. When referring other vendors, I think it is vital to pick and choose the right one in the same way our brides have picked and chose us.

Referring the right kind of vendor is a reflection of your company and your services, if the vendor we chose to refer does not put out a quality product or the service is not up to par to the brides expectation she will always remember how she connected with that vendor. In which leads back to you and to your company.

If we are only as good as the company we keep then, I suppose we have to keep up with the vendors that suit our needs and the brides needs the best. If you are friends with your vendors, which I am, sometimes it is hard to decide who to refer the business to since I know so many photographers, so many florists, so many venues and so on. Often times, deciding is my dilemma and when it comes down to it. I refer my bride upon what the vendor is known for or what the theme the vendor is best for.

For example, with photographers I ask my bride if she considers herself more artsy and then I will refer my friend Sheila Bocchine with four white walls photography, because Sheila is known for her Pinhole photography. Or if she is looking for an upscale and mysterious type theme or look, I will refer Jeff Gleason Photography or if the bride is looking for a fun and uplifting photographer I will refer Ventola Photography.

So, I think it all depends on the brides preferences and really getting to know their personality and simply just talking about the vision most brides want to capture.

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